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Friday, December 28, 2012

About Fish Man

I was spawned many years ago in South Buffalo Creek very close to Downtown Greensboro. Back in those days the water was very foul and I guess I'm quite lucky I wasn't born with  fins sticking out of my heads. No, that's not a typo, I meant to say heads. Something in the waters of South Buffalo Creek caused me to be born with 2 heads. It's a bit of a disadvantage when trying to swim fast but when it comes to trying to think things through... well, you know the old saying about two heads being better than one.

Besides, the other fish don't think me crazy when they see me talking to myself.

When I was young I was in constant danger. One great blue heron in particular chased me for years before I finally grew big enough he no longer considered me a tasty morsel and went looking for smaller fry. Once I made the mistake of biting a worm on a hook and was reeled in by a fisherman after a long and hard fight. Had the water not been so murky I would have seen his mono-filament line but with all that pollution washing in from Greensboro lawns all I could see was that fat red worm. Anyway, when he got a look at my two heads he tossed me back into the creek and ran away shouting something about finding a new fishing hole.

Most of my kind move on to bigger waters as we age, making their way along Buffalo Creek to the Haw River on to Jordan Lake and if they're lucky, over the dam to what I think you humans call the Cape Fear River but not me. I never knew why but for some reason I stayed behind making only occasional swims into North Buffalo Creek and the Haw River before returning to Downtown Greensboro and my home in South Buffalo Creek where the occasional Mud Turtle and I watch you pass and wonder what the fuss is all about.

It was a few months ago that a Time-Warner fiber optic cable fell into the creek. Always being the curious sort I swam to it and peered into its end. It was then I discovered this thing you humans call the Internet. To say I was amazed was an understatement. Now I could finally see and begin to understand your world view. Well, maybe understand isn't the right word but you know what I mean.

Eventually I figured out this Internet thing works two ways (2 heads, remember?) and I started following other animals like Greensboro Bear who has apparently been accepted by humans as if she were human. She taught me a lot about the Internet even if she didn't know it. Not long after I heard of people who were talking about building a Downtown Greensboro Aquarium. It was then I finally knew my purpose in life, why I had stayed in Greensboro all these years: I was to give back to the city that gave me two heads.

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