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Monday, December 31, 2012

Aquarium Volunteers Wanted

Let's start 2013 with a splash!

Fish Man needs real people to make the Downtown Greensboro Aquarium a dream come true. We need people from all walks of life who are willing to volunteer their time and possibly their professional experience towards turning the dream into a reality, young people, old people, happy people, even sad people if you think it might make you feel better to be doing something for Greensboro and Greensboro's working class.

Volunteer as little or as much as you like. Work from home or hit the streets, your choice. Work online or use the telephone, use social networking if you like. Goal #1: Make everyone in Greensboro aware of the effort even though we're currently being boycotted by the local media.

Send your e-mail to and ol' Fish Man and real people will get back to you ASAP with ways you can help bring Greensboro into the 21st Century with great paying jobs, more and better commerce, improved economic conditions, better schools, safer communities and all the other things true grassroots prosperity can bring.

And know, that unlike GPAC, the Downtown Greensboro Aquarium is for all of Greensboro, a place where children can learn, families can bond and where memories will last a lifetime.

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