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Thursday, December 13, 2012

About That Airport

Fish Man here. Now I don't claim to be the smartest paraphyletic organism to ever swim around Buffalo Creek and without a doubt all those toxins you people have been putting on your lawns all these years have taken their toll on me and my kind but when I go online thanks to that fallen Time-Warner cable laying in the creek and read of the Mayor wanting to invest more money in Piedmont Triad International Airport I can't help but gurgle, "Why?"

I mean, it's not like people or airlines will have more reason to use it just because you spend more money on it, right?

But what if you gave people a reason to fly into and out of Greensboro? Something they needed or wanted to come to Greensboro to do? Give people more reasons to come to Greensboro and more people will fly into and out of Greensboro. And if more people start flying into and out of Greensboro then airlines will add more Greensboro flights. If airlines add more Greensboro flights then the airlines become more competitive and prices come down. You see, even fish know that's how economic development really works. The fish catches the worm, then the angler catches the fish, not the other way around.

So what would attract more people to Greensboro? Fish, that's what! Fish inside a world class downtown Greensboro aquarium would attract more people to Downtown Greensboro. And when it comes to performance art, we perform night and day and never the same show twice.

Could it be fish really are smarter than a mayor? Or do fish just have bigger vision?

Don't forget to like us on Facebook where in just 2 weeks we're already more popular than GPAC. If enough people like us we'll come.

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